Under 25's

Welcome to our page dedicated to customers aged 25 and under.

We want to hear more from our younger customers so we can take your opinions on board too. We use feedback from customers to improve a range of services and it’s really important to us that we hear as many customer voices as possible.

Last year we asked our customers in this age range what barriers they had to sharing their views with us. Below are some of the main themes and what we’ve done to resolve them.

You said – Customers don’t have time to give their opinion.

We didWe introduced a new virtual way of getting involved so you can quickly share your opinion at a convenient time for you. It can be as simple as selecting an option on a poll.

You said – Customers feel anxious about sharing their views.

We did – We created a group just for your age group so younger customers feel more comfortable among similar aged people. If that’s not for you, then sharing your view in a survey is completely hidden from others and using a screen name on The Hub means your identity is hidden from other customers.

You said – Targeted advertising would help make customers in your age group aware of our engagement activities.

We didWe’ve emailed all customers in this age group to invite them to join us on The Hub.

You said – We should have more competitions and incentives.

We did – Whilst we believe that having your voice heard and representing your age group in decisions is a great incentive, we agree that it’s nice to have rewards. Therefore, we’ve introduced more prize draws within our engaging activities and have regular competitions on The Hub that you can join. We’ve even added a prize draw to this page!

We've consulted again with customers recently and you can read our update below. You can also share your thoughts and suggestions on the below forum.

If you have any further questions, ideas or would like to discuss customer engagement with us in more depth, then please feel free to contact us on customer.engagement@longhurst-group.org.uk

Welcome to our page dedicated to customers aged 25 and under.

We want to hear more from our younger customers so we can take your opinions on board too. We use feedback from customers to improve a range of services and it’s really important to us that we hear as many customer voices as possible.

Last year we asked our customers in this age range what barriers they had to sharing their views with us. Below are some of the main themes and what we’ve done to resolve them.

You said – Customers don’t have time to give their opinion.

We didWe introduced a new virtual way of getting involved so you can quickly share your opinion at a convenient time for you. It can be as simple as selecting an option on a poll.

You said – Customers feel anxious about sharing their views.

We did – We created a group just for your age group so younger customers feel more comfortable among similar aged people. If that’s not for you, then sharing your view in a survey is completely hidden from others and using a screen name on The Hub means your identity is hidden from other customers.

You said – Targeted advertising would help make customers in your age group aware of our engagement activities.

We didWe’ve emailed all customers in this age group to invite them to join us on The Hub.

You said – We should have more competitions and incentives.

We did – Whilst we believe that having your voice heard and representing your age group in decisions is a great incentive, we agree that it’s nice to have rewards. Therefore, we’ve introduced more prize draws within our engaging activities and have regular competitions on The Hub that you can join. We’ve even added a prize draw to this page!

We've consulted again with customers recently and you can read our update below. You can also share your thoughts and suggestions on the below forum.

If you have any further questions, ideas or would like to discuss customer engagement with us in more depth, then please feel free to contact us on customer.engagement@longhurst-group.org.uk

  • Following our latest consultation

    We recently emailed our customers aged 25 and under to discuss the importance of your views and opinions in shaping our services.

    We reached out to 859 customers within your age group and received 11 responses. This brings the total number of members on The Hub of those under age 25 to 72. We'd like to express our thanks to those who shared their thoughts and suggestions.

    A suggestion we made was to create a virtual group for design and feedback, to try and help us improve our engagement in a way that would meet your age groups preferences. We're pleased to announce that four customers have expressed interest in joining the group and we’ll be contacting them to arrange this. If you're also interested in helping us improve our communication with younger customers, then please contact me at becky.budge@longhurst-group.org.uk and we'll be happy to include you in this.

    Please find the feedback received below with our response. We've decided to keep the project forum open on The Hub for ongoing discussions and feedback. We encourage anyone who wishes to share additional thoughts or ideas to do so, as your insights are invaluable to us and we’re actively trying to introduce the suggestions you’re giving us. You can share more thoughts with us here.

    Feedback from customers

    Our response

    To make it quick and easy to share opinions around their daily life and responsibilities.

    The Hub was introduced to help make engagement quick and easy at any time of the day or night .

    Make it about more interesting things.

    Knowing more about what you think about the services you receive is important to our decision-making process. We hope to keep this interesting by having a variety of topics and varied ways you can tell us your views, through surveys, polls, forums and a virtual group. To add to this, we’ll tell you about competitions you can enter throughout the year

    Give incentives.

    We’ll continue to offer incentives for participation in projects.

    Show that we’re listening to you and trust younger customers to make decisions.

    We really want younger voices to have a say in our decision-making process. We’ll continue to provide opportunities for you to participate and we’ll keep you informed about how we’ve acted on your views. However, participation from younger customers is essential for us to be able to do this effectively.

    Make it anonymous as some aren’t confident at sharing their thoughts or have anxiety.

    We want customers to feel comfortable with sharing their views with us on The Hub. We hope that by using a screen name you’ll be feel able to share knowing that you remain anonymous to others.

    We'll keep you updated on our progress but please continue to share any further suggestions you have on how we can get younger customers sharing their views with us.

Page last updated: 22 Sep 2023, 10:44 AM