Improving fire safety measures at Doughty’s Court

Making sure our customers are kept safe in their homes is our top priority. As part of this, we’re pleased to say that we’ll be carrying out a series of fire safety improvement works within your building and individual flats.

We’re carrying out these improvements as part of our ongoing commitment to the highest standards of safety and security for all our customers.

We do want to reassure you that our current fire safety measures are robust and effective, but as part of our proactive approach to safety, we’ve identified opportunities to further improve these measures to give you even greater peace of mind.

Some of the work we’ll be doing includes:

  • Replacing fire doors to your home.
  • Enhancing the fire resistance of walls and floors by adding fire-resistant materials or constructing fire-rated partitions.
  • Improving ventilation systems.

We’re currently working to appoint a contractor to carry out this work, and we expect it to begin in the summer of 2024. We’ll keep you updated once we’ve chosen a contractor and when we know when work will start.

We’ll also provide you with more information about the specific work that is going to be done to your home, and answer any questions you may have.

During the work, we’ll do our best to minimise any disruption caused to you.

Please continue reading below for information on key dates, useful information documents and a series of frequently asked questions.

Making sure our customers are kept safe in their homes is our top priority. As part of this, we’re pleased to say that we’ll be carrying out a series of fire safety improvement works within your building and individual flats.

We’re carrying out these improvements as part of our ongoing commitment to the highest standards of safety and security for all our customers.

We do want to reassure you that our current fire safety measures are robust and effective, but as part of our proactive approach to safety, we’ve identified opportunities to further improve these measures to give you even greater peace of mind.

Some of the work we’ll be doing includes:

  • Replacing fire doors to your home.
  • Enhancing the fire resistance of walls and floors by adding fire-resistant materials or constructing fire-rated partitions.
  • Improving ventilation systems.

We’re currently working to appoint a contractor to carry out this work, and we expect it to begin in the summer of 2024. We’ll keep you updated once we’ve chosen a contractor and when we know when work will start.

We’ll also provide you with more information about the specific work that is going to be done to your home, and answer any questions you may have.

During the work, we’ll do our best to minimise any disruption caused to you.

Please continue reading below for information on key dates, useful information documents and a series of frequently asked questions.

  • Frequently asked questions

    When will you be able to tell me exactly what work you need to do to my home?

    We know how important it is for you to know what work will be done in your home. We’re still finalising the project plans, and will give you all the relevant information about the work required for your home as soon as possible. We hope this will be possible in the next few weeks.

    Why are you doing this work now?

    We’re carrying out this project to enhance the existing fire safety measures in the building. This means we’ll stay ahead of required safety standards and continue to provide a safe living environment for all our customers.

    Have you discovered a problem with my home?

    No, this project isn’t in response to any specific problem found in individual homes. It’s part of our ongoing efforts to enhance overall fire safety within the entire block of flats.

    Does this mean my home has been unsafe prior to these works being done?

    No, your home has been safe and compliant with existing safety standards at all times. The enhancements we’re making are intended to further improve safety and meet updated standards.

    How long will it take?

    We expect the whole project taking between eight and 10 months. However, the work carried out in your home will be completed much sooner. We’ll provide you with a detailed schedule of work before it gets underway so you have advance notice.

    What do I need to do to prepare my home for these works?

    You’ll receive specific instructions if we need you to do anything to your home before work starts. This may include moving furniture or clearing access areas. We’ll do everything we can to minimise the inconvenience caused to you during the project and will be happy to discuss any specific needs you may have before work starts.

    Will I need to be at home while this work is carried out?

    Depending on what work needs doing, you might not always need to be at home. We’ll let you know in advance if access inside your home is needed and arrange this with you.

    Will this work cost me anything?

    We’ll be covering the cost of these improvement works in our role as your landlord. There will be no additional cost to you as a customer for this project.

    Who do I speak to if I have other questions?

    If you have any further questions or concerns about the project, please contact a member of the team using the questions tab on this page. We’re here to answer any questions you may have and ensure you’re kept informed throughout the whole process.

Page last updated: 15 Jul 2024, 11:18 AM