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You said, We did

You Said, We Did – Your feedback on The Hub

We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our customers which has helped us discover the things you’ve liked about The Hub and also areas in which we can improve. Most importantly, your feedback has also helped us find out what content you want to see in the future.

The Hub is your place to have your voice heard and give your thoughts on how we should shape our services. So, it’s great to find that 82 percent of our customers who took the survey felt The Hub helped them to have their say, with a quarter already having taken part in one or more projects.

We wanted to share some of the feedback from this survey and some of the actions we’ll be taking as a result.

Some customers commented that they had trouble navigating The Hub, particularly when trying to access it via their mobile phones. We’ve created a short tutorial video which is attached to this survey’s project page. It explains the various pages, what the different tools are and how to participate in a project. Whilst we’ve less control over how the site appears on a mobile, we’ll make every effort to make the pages and site as mobile user friendly as possible going forward.

Customers have shown many of our projects have been firm favourites with them, such as signing up to be a Clean and Green Inspector and taking part in our Glorious Gardens competition. They appreciate the ease of access to information about Longhurst Group, learning about the services available to them and having a space where they can give feedback whenever they’re able to.

The main reasons people haven’t taken part in our projects are that they haven’t had time and/or find their disabilities or illnesses are stopping them. The beauty of The Hub is that most of our projects asking for participation can be accessed 24/7 and only require access to a mobile, tablet or computer. We’ll do more to communicate what projects we’ve added to The Hub by sending email newsletters to all registered customers. This’ll include making sure our newsletters give an outline of the time it would take to take part in each project and if it involves continuous involvement.

We asked customers to also make suggestions about the type of content they would like to see on The Hub in the future. Here are some of those suggestions and what we’re doing in response:

You Said: “We’d like more competitions”

We Did: We’ve got a couple of competitions lined up to be added to The Hub over the coming months. These include a Decorate your House/Communal space for Halloween competition and a competition to coincide with the launch of our Under 25s Hub space.

You Said: “We want more information on what Scheme Managers should/shouldn’t be doing”

We Did: A project detailing the roles and responsibilities of Scheme Managers will be added in the next week. We’ve worked with our Leasehold Team to compile this information. There’ll also be a Questions board in case you have further questions you want to ask about the role.

You Said: “We want more information on who our contractors are and repairs performance”

We Did: We organised contractor ‘Meet and Greet’ sessions here. The sessions allowed you to speak to the contractor and find out more about them. Our website has information about our repairs performance and further information about our contractors. This can be found here.

You Said: “We want evidence you’re listening to what’s we’re saying”

We Did: Going forward, our projects on The Hub will include a ‘You said, We did’ tool. This’ll highlight the information we’ve received from customers on a project and show what we’re doing in response to this information.

You Said: “We want projects that showcase what other customers are doing”

We Did: We’ve some fantastic customers on the Scrutiny Team and on the Customer Forum and we showcase their work on The Hub. You can find out more about what they’ve done recently by clicking here and here. We've a future plan to include more information about what is happening in your local area to help improve communities.

You Said: “We want tips on money saving”

We Did: We’ll be adding a section in our upcoming Under 25s Hub about money advice. We’ll also be holding a poll to found out what information you’d like to have about keeping warm this coming winter. Our Money Advice Service is available on the Group website. You can find it here.

You Said: “We want more information about how the Group is tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB)”

We Did: We’ll be discussing projects we can provide which give more insight into how we handle ASB. Our ASB policy is due to be reviewed in 2023 and we’ll be consulting with customers to gain insight into their experiences and understanding of ASB.

Finally, we want to say thank you to everyone who has registered on The Hub so far and for participating in our projects. We want to continue making sure the customer voice is heard and to demonstrate how it has an impact on how we shape our services.

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