Together With Tenants - What's important to you?

Consultation has concluded

So, what’s the aim of Together with Tenants?

Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017, the Government spoke to residents to understand how people feel about their housing association, and what change needed to happen. The main theme from these conversations was that residents aren’t listened to enough.

In 2018, the National Housing Federation (NHF) created an initiative called ‘Together with Tenants’ to improve this. Its aim is to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing associations.

After speaking to lots of residents and their members, the NHF developed a four-point plan for change. This included a new

So, what’s the aim of Together with Tenants?

Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017, the Government spoke to residents to understand how people feel about their housing association, and what change needed to happen. The main theme from these conversations was that residents aren’t listened to enough.

In 2018, the National Housing Federation (NHF) created an initiative called ‘Together with Tenants’ to improve this. Its aim is to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing associations.

After speaking to lots of residents and their members, the NHF developed a four-point plan for change. This included a new charter with six commitments, setting out in clear terms what residents can and should expect from their landlord – and how residents can hold them to account on these.

Longhurst Group has signed up to this charter!

It means that we’ve committed to six things:

  1. Relationships: To treat all residents with respect in all of their interactions, and for relationships between residents and housing associations to be based on openness, honesty and transparency.
  2. Communication: To send you clear, accessible and timely information on the issues that matter to you, including important information about your home and local community, how the organisation is working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about performance on key issues.
  3. Voice and influence: To seek and value the views of residents and use this information to inform decisions. Every individual resident should feel listened to on the issues that matter to them and be able to speak without fear.
  4. Accountability: To allow residents to collectively work in partnership to independently scrutinise and hold their housing association to account for the decisions that affect the quality of homes and services.
  5. Quality: To ensure homes are good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.
  6. When things go wrong: To provide residents with simple and accessible routes for raising issues, making complaints and seeking redress and for residents to receive timely advice and support when things go wrong.

We need your input, views and most importantly we want YOUR voice heard. We encourage you to use the poll to select which of the commitments is most important to you.

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Communication - Tell us more

Thank you for completing the Quick Poll to tell us which commitment is most important to you. With this, alongside the Guest Book comments and  insight collected from surveys we know that good communication is most important to our customers. 

To drill down into this, we'd like to invite you to use the Stories tool below to tell us what matters most to you when it comes to communication. We want to know the ways in which we could communicate better, to help you to feel more informed. 

We're looking forward to hearing your story!  

We check over all the stories on this page before they're published. So you might not see your story appear straight away.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    by LIBBY, over 2 years ago
    Having had reason to be in contact regarding repairs to the roof and bathroom floor nobody seemed to have any idea what was going on and it took months for both jobs to be finally done on contact with yourselves I was always told different promises then put through to meads and they didn't seem to know what they were doing when we first moved here 7yrs ago we had a visit from the manager from holly court once a fortnight and had no problems when she dealt with things now we have no one to push our point across