Christmas opening hours

We asked our customers for their views on our Christmas opening hours.

We had over 800 customers complete the survey. Scroll down to our news story to read what they told us and how we're using this information.

Please also tell us your thoughts about this page on our poll.

We asked our customers for their views on our Christmas opening hours.

We had over 800 customers complete the survey. Scroll down to our news story to read what they told us and how we're using this information.

Please also tell us your thoughts about this page on our poll.

  • Update.

    Feedback received.

    We asked customers if they had needed to contact us in an emergency whilst our offices were closed between Christmas and New Year. In total 986 customers advised they didn't need us in an emergency during that time.

    The majority of customers who did need to contact us needed help with an urgent repair. Please be aware that whenever our offices are closed, there is an out of hours team who will deal with urgent repairs.

    We presented customers with a list of emotions which were positive, neutral and negative. We asked them to select which ones they felt when they thought about our office hours at Christmas.

    The top five emotions selected were:

    • Satisfied.
    • Respect.
    • Indifferent.
    • Calm.
    • Content.

    We then asked customers to give feedback about us being closed during this time. Customer feedback mainly indicated that we could improve communication around the office closure.

    How we're using this feedback.

    The full survey responses have been sent to our Executive Leadership Team who will use this feedback to consider what our opening hours will be during the festive period in future.

    The full details have been passed to our Communications Team so that it can be used to plan out future communications around any closure we may have, what services are in place during this time and how they can be accessed.

Page last updated: 17 Apr 2024, 10:12 AM