Communal cleaning consultation

This consultation survey has now closed, thank you to everyone who shared their views.

You can find out how we're using your feedback in our news feed below. You can also find out how we keep customers involved with selecting a new service provider by clicking the link to our related project about our evaluation panel.

Please let us know what you thought of the page on our quick poll.

This consultation survey has now closed, thank you to everyone who shared their views.

You can find out how we're using your feedback in our news feed below. You can also find out how we keep customers involved with selecting a new service provider by clicking the link to our related project about our evaluation panel.

Please let us know what you thought of the page on our quick poll.

  • Results of consultation

    Cleaning Survey Analysis

    Question 1: The service charge that you pay for communal cleaning is based on actual costs of the contracts and work involved. If you had the choice, would you rather:

    Question 2: How often do you think communal cleaning contractors should attend?



    Only when it’s needed















    Question 3: Do you know exactly what tasks the communal cleaning contractors should complete when they attend your area?

    In the past customers have been sent the specification by email, every three months, the website has been updated with the current specification, an article was included in Our Voice and links to the website is communicated on posters on communal notice boards.

    It will be valuable to work with customers to make sure they are clear on what the cleaners should be doing and to communicate this in a way that ensures all customers have access.

    Question 4: How important is it for you to know when your contractor is going to attend?

    Question 5: How would you like to be informed about approximate times of visits and what is being done?

    It’s important to customers to know when the contractor is coming. The most popular choice for where to access this information was an online portal (33.9%), followed by a leaflet (27.9%). 24.9% of respondents want to be told through signage and 13.4% wanted to be told by email or text.

    Question 6: Do you have any other suggestions or feedback about our communal cleaning contract?

    Six main themes emerged from the open text question for cleaning. Attendance; quality; specification; monitoring; safety and refurbishment.

    Next steps and recommendations


    LG comments

    Customers don’t want to pay more for extra tasks or frequency however they feel that cleaning should take place weekly.

    The frequency of cleaning visits will be determined by the needs of the site. It is important that we strike the right balance between frequency and cost. By specifying the correct works to the correct areas we anticipate that best value will be found.

    We will include a provision in the contract, to amend frequencies if required. Using customer feedback, we can then achieve the right balance in all our communal areas.

    Customers would like to be informed about approximate times of visits and what is being done via a portal.

    Sharing visit times with customers can be done in a number of ways eg - leaflets, communal posters and via a portal. We will ensure this detail is available to all customers.

    We anticipate that our contractors will provide an online portal with evidence of their visit and the works undertaken.

    A leaflet is a popular choice for finding out times of visits. This could also outline the tasks specific to the service. This leaflet could be held as a printable PDF and included in new customer welcome.

    As above, we will ensure a “What to expect” leaflet is produced. We will provide a copy to our Lettings Team for inclusion in welcome packs.

    We will also produce a summary of the works our contractor will undertake and when (dependent on time of year). This information will be made available to all customers.

    Customers would like to know if the new specification will include handrails, sweeping away cobwebs, wiping down doors and cleaning the inside of windows. Will cleaners have access to clean water and multiple wet floor signs.

    All accessible surfaces to communal areas will be cleaned during the visit. For the avoidance of doubt, this will include each of the points in the question.

    We can confirm that the cleaning contractor will ensure all operatives are provided with the items required to complete the work on site – this will include access to clean water and appropriate signage.

    There should be reliable methods to track if the cleaner has been on site, length of time and quality of work.

    We will use the ‘portal’ to ensure our contractors have attended site and completed the required works to the appropriate quality / standard. This will include photographic, time-stamped, evidence.

    Some contractors use a live tracking system so we can ensure visits are taking place and the correct amount of time is allocated to sites.

Page last updated: 16 Apr 2024, 11:31 AM