Complaints focus group outcomes

We asked the group a series of questions and asked for their suggestions on how else we could improve the complaints service.

Here are the main suggestions:


LG comments


Communicate the ways to make a complaint.

This information is published on the website and is shared at the end of TSM and transactional surveys with a dissatisfied score.

We’ll soon publish our complaints self-assessment on our website.

We’ll include a feature in the next copy of ‘Our Voice’.

In progress

Communicate the ways we learn from complaints.

We’ll explain how we’re learning from complaints in Our Voice and on our website.

In progress

Myth bust the concerns around making a complaint.

As above.

In progress

Acknowledge receipt of the complaint in two days.

The Housing Ombudsman says we must acknowledge receipt of a complaint in five working days.


Update customers on the progress of their complaints weekly.

There is no given timescale given by the Housing Ombudsman, but we’ll agree the next contact and preferred method of contact with the customer. This will normally be weekly.


Consider services for customers with additional needs or vulnerabilities.

We’ve assessed ourselves against the Housing Ombudsman statement about vulnerability and we’ve produced a statement for colleagues around vulnerability.

We’ve provided training that’s available to all colleagues that’s about understanding and respecting vulnerability and that our services need to be tailored to support customers with additional needs.

The Group’s policy coordinator has contacted all service areas and is in the process of reviewing all policies and procedures to see if any amendments are required.

In progress

Introduce a panel of customers to take a deeper dive into complaints trends and learning.

We’ll create a panel of customers to scrutinise and feedback their findings.

In progress

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