Vote for your preferred way of being contacted by us

As part of our energy efficiency improvement works, we’ll need to contact you to book surveys, make appointments for work to be carried out and to arrange a final inspection. We thought it’d be helpful to know which method of contact you’d prefer us to use when getting in touch.

We asked customers included in the retrofit improvement works, how do you like to be contacted?

For those who took part in the poll, we've let Morgan Sindall know your preference and they will try this method first, before using the other options. We’ll continue to use several methods of communication so nobody is missed.

The results:

As part of our energy efficiency improvement works, we’ll need to contact you to book surveys, make appointments for work to be carried out and to arrange a final inspection. We thought it’d be helpful to know which method of contact you’d prefer us to use when getting in touch.

We asked customers included in the retrofit improvement works, how do you like to be contacted?

For those who took part in the poll, we've let Morgan Sindall know your preference and they will try this method first, before using the other options. We’ll continue to use several methods of communication so nobody is missed.

The results:

Page last updated: 21 Dec 2023, 10:07 AM