
The actions being taken forward based on the findings of the survey are:




Improved communication around the support available to customers to manage their tenancy.

We’ll review and improve communication around our support offer and how customers can access this.

In progress.

A digital system to update their own contact details is the preferred option.

This is something that we’ll be introducing, however this will take approximately two years to create and introduce.

Coming soon.

Customers would like more presence in person on schemes. Customer preferences on what they would like to use these sessions for should be considered to ensure the best Longhurst Group representatives attend to be able to help with those issues.

We’re already working on improving this by reintroducing scheme walkabouts.

In progress.

Customers would like any in person activities such as scheme walkabouts to be communicated via email.

This is something that we can look to introduce.

Coming soon.

Improve communication on the support available for hoarding as majority of customers were not aware of this.

We'll review our communication about hoarding on our website and ensure customers are aware of what support they can get and how to access it.

Coming soon.

Have regular reviews with all customers to check in. Customers suggested this could be a form to fill in, a call or visit.

We’re introducing more regular contact with customers. This'll start with contacting customers who we’ve not heard from in the last 12 months. Once this is in place, our plan is to ensure we speak to every customer at least once per year.

In progress.

Make it easier to speak with people. There were comments around finding it difficult to speak with a Housing Officer or to get a response to queries.

We’re looking to introduce an area on the website which will tell customers who their Housing Officer is, what their responsibilities are etc.

We’re also introducing a phone line direct to the team for anti-social behaviour issues which should resolve the difficulty in getting to speak to someone.

In progress.

There were comments asking to see more of Housing Officers in person, having more routine visits, communication or drop in availability.

Within the next 12 months we’re looking to reintroduce estate walkabouts so that our Team have more of an in-person presence on schemes.

In progress.

Make it easier for customers to report repairs online.

We’re about to introduce a new repair reporting form on our website. This will allow customers to report non-emergency and non-urgent repairs to our Customer Service Team to be logged.

In progress.

Advice on how to deal with simple repairs themselves such as how to bleed radiators etc.

We’re currently in the process of pulling together information such as this for a digital welcome pack. This'll be shared with new customers but available to everyone on our website. This type of information will be included within the pack.

In progress.

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