Scrutiny project - Together With Tenants

Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017, the Government spoke to residents to understand how people feel about their housing association, and what change needed to happen. The main theme from these conversations was that residents aren’t listened to enough.

In 2018, the National Housing Federation (NHF) created an initiative called ‘Together with Tenants’ to improve this. Its aim is to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing associations.

After speaking to lots of residents and their members, the NHF developed a four-point plan for change. This included a new charter with six commitments, setting out in clear terms what residents can and should expect from their landlord – and how residents can hold them to account on these.

Longhurst Group has signed up to this charter!

It means that we’ve committed to six things:

  1. Relationships
  2. Communication
  3. Voice and influence
  4. Accountability
  5. Quality
  6. When things go wrong

Our Customer Engagement Manager carried out a self-assessment to plot Longhurst Group's position against each commitment. The Scrutiny Team's first project was to sense-check this by carrying out their own assessment.

You can find the results of this assessment in the documents section of this page, the results show our commitment to the charter's six commitments, it includes recommendations from the Scrutiny Team on how we can keep improving.

We’ll now work on these recommendations and keep the Scrutiny Team and this page updated on our progress.

On this page you'll also see a related Together with Tenants project, if you follow the link you can learn more about the Together With Tenants initiative and have your say.

Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017, the Government spoke to residents to understand how people feel about their housing association, and what change needed to happen. The main theme from these conversations was that residents aren’t listened to enough.

In 2018, the National Housing Federation (NHF) created an initiative called ‘Together with Tenants’ to improve this. Its aim is to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing associations.

After speaking to lots of residents and their members, the NHF developed a four-point plan for change. This included a new charter with six commitments, setting out in clear terms what residents can and should expect from their landlord – and how residents can hold them to account on these.

Longhurst Group has signed up to this charter!

It means that we’ve committed to six things:

  1. Relationships
  2. Communication
  3. Voice and influence
  4. Accountability
  5. Quality
  6. When things go wrong

Our Customer Engagement Manager carried out a self-assessment to plot Longhurst Group's position against each commitment. The Scrutiny Team's first project was to sense-check this by carrying out their own assessment.

You can find the results of this assessment in the documents section of this page, the results show our commitment to the charter's six commitments, it includes recommendations from the Scrutiny Team on how we can keep improving.

We’ll now work on these recommendations and keep the Scrutiny Team and this page updated on our progress.

On this page you'll also see a related Together with Tenants project, if you follow the link you can learn more about the Together With Tenants initiative and have your say.

  • Recommendations update

    Since the Together with Tenants recommendations were written by our Scrutiny Team, our Customer Forum have been monitoring their progress.

    Please see the updates below:

    Recommendation Status of this recommendation Action taken
    Ensure performance information on the website is up to date.
    Changes have been made to archive older information by year and quarter on the website. Dates have been made clear on the performance page so that you can easily tell if information is in date.
    Add timescales to ‘you said, we did’ examples on the website.
    There will now be quarterly meetings regarding this, and the page will be reviewed every six months.
    Use response rates on performance information.
    In progress
    A new performance section is being designed by the Communications Team to include response rates.
    Share the scrutiny topic selection matrix with the Scrutiny Team.
    The matrix used by the Customer Forum to select topics for scrutiny review has been shared with the Scrutiny Team.
    Publish more performance information in Our Voice magazine.
    There will be links to the full performance section together with examples of 'you said, we did'
    Publish more examples of what we do with customer feedback.
    There is a new 'how you've made a difference section published on The Hub. There will also be quarterly meetings between the Customer Experience Officer and the Communications Team to publish more 'you said, we did' examples.
    Make the website search box more user friendly. Complete Clearer metadata has been provided to the developer of the website and this will be reviewed three times per year.
    Make the annual report and value for money statement more accessible for customers to read.
    N/A Improvements have already been made to ensure this is user friendly and more accessible on the website than previous editions.
    Provide more updates on repairs, maintenance and safety issues in writing.
    Complete More updates on repairs are sent in writing when there is a need for this. Last year there was an increase in letters to customers regarding repairs due to the increase in important updates. Updates are also shared on the website and social media.
    Consider how customers can access the specification and frequency of communal cleaning and grounds maintenance services.
    Complete When the next procurement exercise is carried out for grounds maintenance, this will be implemented within that process.
Page last updated: 17 May 2023, 09:07 AM